Diman Zad Tootaghaj 's publications
Diman Zad Tootaghaj 's publications 1. D. Z. Tootaghaj , F. Farhat. Optimal placement of Cores, Caches and Memory controllers in NoC. arXiv, 2016. [ link ] [ pdf ] 2. F. Farhat, D. Z. Tootaghaj , M. Arjomand. Towards optimizing data computing in the cloud. arXiv, 2016. [ link ] [ pdf ] 3. F. Farhat, D. Z. Tootaghaj , Y. He, A. Sivasubramaniam, M. T. Kandemir, C. R. Das. Stochastic modeling and optimization of stragglers. IEEE transaction on Cloud Computing (TCC), 2016. [ link ] [ pdf ] 4. D. Z. Tootaghaj , Evaluating cloud workload characteritics. Master’s thesis, The Pennsylvania State University, 2015. [ link ] [ pdf ] 5. D. Z. Tootaghaj , F. Farhat, M. Arjomand, P. Faraboschi, M. T. Kandemir, A. Sivasubramaniam, C. R. Das, Evaluating the Combined Impact of Datacenter Architecture and Cloud Workload Characteristics on Performance, Network Traffic and Cost, IEEE International Symposium on Workload Characterization (IISWC) 2015. [ link ] [ pd...